Rallarbrakka, the workers' barracks
Rallarbrakka was established as a mountainside restaurant in 2015 and became an immediate success. Rallarbrakka was built by the rallar workers in 1913 and is the oldest remaining barracks on the Glomfjord mountain. The concept of Rallarbrakka is part of the ongoing travel and tourism effort in Meløy. Rallarbrakka is situated at the top of the Fykantrappa stairs and is marketed via www.fykan.no.
The Fykantrappa stairs
The 1132 stairs of Fykantrappa make up one of Europe's best preserved outdoor wooden stairways. Fykantrappa is owned by hydropower company Statkraft that takes care of maintenance to ensure Fykantrappa is always safe for general passage. In 2015, we started using the name Fykantrappa for marketing purposes, a name that quickly became the household name for the stairs.
You reach Fykantrappa by exiting highway 17 between the Fykantunnelen and Svartistunnelen. Follow the road by the Fykan lake towards the next tunnel (do not enter this tunnel). Make a left turn, where you reach a parking area after approx. 100 metres. You eventually reach a well-used path, winding its way up the steep wooden hill. You are walking the same trail as the rallar workers when they built the first hydropower plant in Glomfjord in the period 1912-1920.
See www.fykan.no for more information!
Guided tours
Plans have been made to offer guided tours on the Glomfjord mountain. Coming soon!